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Diego Moreno
January 27, 2020
The Colombian Union’s National Conference “Showers of Blessings” was held in Barbosa Santander from January 7-12, 2020.

Santander, Colombia—By the grace of God from January 7-12, 2020, the Colombian Union’s National Conference “Showers of Blessings” was held at the EBEN-EZER Camp in Barbosa, Santander, the Union Headquarters.


There were over 1,000 individuals in attendance coming from all over Colombia, as well as from the Mexican Union, Honduran Union, Panama Field, South American Union, and the Dominican Field. Two guest speakers were present for the event, Brother Eli Tenorio, the GC President, and Brother Daniel Guzmán, the GC Regional Secretary for Central America and the Caribbean.

Ida Guzman
January 22, 2020
As parents, we have an immense responsibility for the way we manage our home, which extends beyond our responsibility to our spouses and children. Our Christian homes have the power, and the duty, to produce upstanding members of society.

We are now weeks deep into the year 2020. When setting your resolutions and plans for the year, did you take time to consider your family? The wellbeing of our family circle is vital. It is reflected in the wellbeing of society and the church. Now more than ever we need our family bonds and our relationship with God to be at their best, so that, as children of God our homes may be as God intends them to be: “a little Heaven on Earth”.


What is “home”?

David Zic
January 14, 2020
Revival is a miracle. It is an act of the divine. No human being can produce revival. It is not in our nature. If you are not experiencing revival, then it is because you are seeking it, not understanding that it is Christ that performs this work in you. What you need to seek is Christ.

New Year, or Same as Last Year….


This year I will fix my relationship with God. This year I will be a more spiritual person. This year I will not only know and understand God’s will, but will actually be obedient to it. This year I will be more dedicated to my family. This year I will help others. This year (insert every spiritual cliche you have ever heard or used)…


Davi P. Silva
January 6, 2020
Pursuing a renewed relationship with God in this new year

Before the entrance of sin on our planet, the first couple enjoyed an open and joyful relationship with the Godhead. Even on the same day Adam and Eve sinned, “they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Genesis 3:8).


After the disobedience of our first parents, the direct communication between man and God was stopped. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden and were forbidden to return to that beautiful environment.


Eli Tenorio
December 31, 2019
Greetings, encouragement, and appeals from the SDARM General Conference President to you as we welcome a new year.

December 2019


At the beginning of this New Year, I would like to extend my heartfelt greetings to my dear church family around the world.


One more year has ended, and Jesus has not yet returned. We continue waiting for Him and “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13. But praised be the Lord our God who has been leading His church in this world!

