"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33).
It took me a while to understand this wonderful text. Many times in our lives we want to do what we think is right for us, or what we believe to be more important instead of focusing on God's plan for our lives. For example, when I finished high school I wanted to go to university, so I enrolled in a Bachelor of Business program. It was an attractive title for a young man keen to grow in his professional career.
I dedicated four years of my life to this end before discovering that it was not the path God had prepared for me. I felt in my heart that I no longer wanted it. I wanted something more. It was then that I discovered the wonderful work of saving souls, a more than precious work, a work that changed my life, a work of faith. The Word of God says that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). We need faith.
My mother had five children and lived in a small town in Brazil. Her fourth child was born with epilepsy. From infancy he suffered the symptoms, fainting and convulsions. As he grew older, the condition worsened, and eventually the strongest medication was ineffective. His childhood was interrupted. Whenever he would ride a bike, he would faint and get hurt. Always in need of adult supervision, he was never able to play like the other children.
My mother earnestly searched for a cure and cried out to the Lord daily asking Him to send help. It was then that she met Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement therapists and nutritionists. They prescribed several changes and treatments. They told her to take her son outside in the sunshine every morning and every evening, which was to be followed by a cold shower every morning and every evening. They advised her to put her son on a raw diet. From the time he turned nine years old, the boy never experienced epilepsy symptoms again, nor did he require medication. His mother praised God with happiness for the miracle He had granted her and her son.
Today when I hear my mother tell this story I am touched and am sure God had a special plan for me. I was the fourth son with epilepsy, and today, I praise God for the wonderful miracles He has granted in my life. I am sure that if we place God first, He will surely add many blessings to our lives. I have no doubts because God promises in Isaiah 41:10: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” May we have the pleasure of living in full surrender to our heavenly Father.
—Bro. Bruno Marques is a Canvassing Director in the Espírito Santo Field, South Brazilian Union. The canvassing work in Brazil is spearheaded by the health message. Bro. Marques has an active role in leading and training the youth in the canvassing work in order to present others with the same truths that led to his healing.