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The Reformation Herald Online Edition

An Appeal to Fathers and Mothers

The Feminine Heart in the Home
K. Clark
The Feminine Heart in the Home

Family . . . what a beautiful thought this word brings to us! If we are children or young people, this denotes to us love and safety from all the world around us. If we are adults, it brings back sweet memories of our childhood when we gathered around the table with Dad,Mom, and brothers and sisters as we gave thanks to our heavenly Father for His bountiful blessings.


The nucleus of the family is those two people who dedicated their lives and hopes to one another as they came together to establish a home where they planned to bring children into the world, thus establishing a family. There is the one who would be known as Dad and who would be the provider and the strength of the family unit. There is the one who would be the Mom who would nurture and shed love and tenderness to each member of the family. One without the other could not produce the right results—those results which were in the plan of God; that plan being that the man and the woman which He had created would populate the earth and add to the family of God.


As the title of our article suggests, the one who would carry out the duty of tender caring for each member of the family is the mother. As she carries the child within her own body, she is giving that love and tenderness to the little one, even before he or she is born. This close relationship is preparing her to love that little one with a special love which even the Dad-to-be cannot quite understand. It is within her desire to prepare a loving atmosphere for that special little one which will fit him or her for the life which he or she will have to experience.

Here is a quote from the pen of inspiration, “The tenderest earthly tie is that between the mother and her child. The child is more readily impressed by the life and example of the mother than by that of the father; for a stronger and more tender bond of union unites them. Mothers have a heavy responsibility. If I could impress upon them the work which they can do in molding the minds of their children I should be happy.”1

As the mother cradles the newborn child in her arms, she is imparting to the babe comfort and a freedom from fear; she is beginning the formation of the character which he or she will develop with growth. When she speaks softly to the baby, even when the little one is irritable, she is imparting a knowledge of kindness which will benefit the child in later life. This kindness and love will be as a soothing balm as he or she experiences the little childhood hardships that surround a person when growing through the different stages of his or her life.

The mother as the queen

“The mother is the queen of the home, and the children are her subjects. She is to rule her household wisely, in the dignity of her motherhood. Her influence in the home is to be paramount; her word, law. If she is a Christian, under God’s control, she will command the respect of her children. Tell your children exactly what you require of them. Then let them understand that your word must be obeyed. Thus you are training them to respect the commandments of God, which plainly declare, ‘Thou shalt,’ and ‘Thou shalt not.’ ”2

The mother is usually the one who spends the most time with her child; thus she has a great influence upon him or her and has the opportunity to provide the training needed in order to learn to respect and to obey those in authority.

Not only are the realities of life to be imparted to the child as he or she matures enough to grasp their meaning. The child is also to be introduced to the surrounding beauties of nature. As the daily activities of life unfold, the mother will have the opportunity of taking walks outdoors with her baby, that together they may breathe in the fresh air and become acquainted with the sights and sounds of God’s creation. Mom will be able to acquaint the youngster with the songs of the birds and the lives of the little animals they will encounter during their walks together. In this way an appreciation of other forms of life will develop within the child. Later, when he or she might have an animal pet, it will be possible to relate to its needs. As the child has experienced the love and caring ways received from Mom, he or she will show that loving spirit to the other creatures of God’s creation.

Faithfulness of parents

When those who become parents realize more how important is their work of raising children to love and fear God, they themselves will feel the need of spending more time in prayer and in being appreciative of the duties which each of them has. The dad has the duty also of training the child and of being the right example, but he usually does not have the same amount of time devoted to those daily activities as does the mother. The mother is thought of as the one who is soft, tender and delicate—which makes her relationship with her child so very special. She is the one who will give so much of her time and energy in seeing that the young one learns how to properly conduct himself or herself in the various activities of life. She is the one who will prepare for the child the proper food so that he or she may be nourished well and be in good health. She will be the teacher of many of the practical activities of life, whether she has boys or girls in her charge.

The first sympathizer

Children will have the need of one to sympathize with them during times of illness and the little disappointments that seem like mountains to them. Mom is usually the one to whom they run during the time of pain, whether it be physical or emotional. She may be very weary herself from dealing with all the things which she encounters as a wife, mother, and homemaker—but she usually can find the strength, energy, and patience to bring comfort to the little ones entrusted to her care. She finds much comfort when her little one says, “I love you, Mommy.” Those sincere words make it all worthwhile.

Many are the moments of special needs with which the mother has to deal. Many are the scrapes and bruises, whether of the physical body or of the spirit, which will need a kiss and tender loving care from her. There will be feelings of rejection inflicted, perhaps by a playmate, which will open up the avenue for valuable lessons to be taught concerning forgiving others. It is when these everyday problems arise, which tend to bring discouragement and disappointment to the fragile little feelings of the child, that Mom has the opportunity to show forth and teach the tenderness as was displayed through the life of Jesus while He was on earth and dwelt among all types of people. He was able to teach valuable spiritual lessons to those whom He encountered on a daily basis—and at the same time show forth great love and compassion for each one. It will be through this same loving spirit that the child may be taught how he or she is to react toward others.

Children basically do not display much patience, especially when things do not go according to their desires. This presents the need of an extra degree of patience for the mom as she attempts to calm the overly anxious child who overtly displays unhappiness with certain situations. She has to bring correction, sometimes with a degree of sternness—but always in love. This may remind the mother of her need for closer communication with her Father in heaven so that she will bring correction to her child in the most proper way. We must be reminded of how God must at times deal with us, His children, during the many situations when we disappoint Him. We all indeed have much to learn from His guidebook which tells us to “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).

The need for training

If we truly love the little ones who have been entrusted to us, we will seek diligently the words of wisdom that our heavenly Father has given as to how to train and teach the young lives under our care. Parents must be agreed as to how these principles are to be applied and then apply them through precept and example, with love and a caring attitude.

Everyone within the body of Christ, the church, needs to display this same loving-kindness to the children of the congregation, for they are also entrusted to us as we are the mothers and fathers in Israel. Is there a mother who seems overwhelmed with her duties? Then offer a helping hand in the way that will help her the most. We must convey the right spirit rather than criticize her efforts. We all have a duty to perform in the training of the young ones who will be the workers for God in the future days.

Where is your little flock?

Someday soon, when Jesus returns to gather His faithful ones unto Himself, He will ask the parents, “Where is your little flock, the ones that I have entrusted to your care?” Mothers and fathers, what will be your answer? Hopefully it will be, “Here they are right with us, ready to meet You and live with You throughout eternity!”

May God bless you each one, you faithful mothers who have borne children for the enrichment of the kingdom of God. Continue on your journey and seek help for each day from your Father in heaven. Amen.

1 Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 536.
2 Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 111.