
All day the pressing care of busy life,
Its petty ills, perplexities, and strife
Have claimed me; but as now at night I stand,
And note the shadows deepen o’er the land,
Earth’s weary noise and turmoil seem to cease;
All things are touched with dews of heavenly peace
Beneath the quiet stars.
Gate after gate of glory swings aside,
Revealing starry vistas open wide;
The heavens seem by feet of angels trod,
And all the universe instinct with God.
Ah, who would think that one could cherish aught
Impure or base, either of deed or thought,
Beneath those twinkling stars?
O awe-inspiring, deep, majestic night!
The things of time and sense fade from my sight;
Mysterious voices float with far-off sound,
Infinity seems opening all around;
And face to face with the Eternal One,
My soul in reverence says, “Thy will be done,”
Beneath the solemn stars.