
It was an overcast Thursday afternoon, and a pleasant gentle breeze was blowing as I stepped out of our rental car onto the pavement of the parking lot belonging to the Salem Civic Center—the impressive building hosting the General Conference public meetings. I had waited for this day for practically 22 years—since the last GC I had been able to attend when I was 6 years old in 1999—and had looked forward to it for 3–4 years after being told the 2015 GC session would be held in the U.S. The year 2015 had seemed so far away; but time had flown, and the day was finally here. As we approached the building, I felt much joy and excitement. Upon entering the stadium where the meetings were to be held, I gazed at all the rows of seats and glanced at all the believers milling about in preparation for the first meeting and worship. I was happy to be there. A warm peaceful feeling came over me as I listened to the beautiful strains being played by the orchestra until the program was underway. As we sang the first hymn, I looked around at all the faces—some familiar and many others new. It felt as if it were a large family reunion; in reality, it was. Brethren and sisters of like faith from many parts of the country and of the world had come together to one place to enjoy spiritual refreshment and the friendship of like believers.
Thursday evening was soon over and gave way to Friday morning. We were up bright and early for morning worship and breakfast. By now the Salem Civic Center already felt like a familiar place and a temporary home. After our souls had received some spiritual nourishment to begin the day, everyone made his or her way to the dining area for breakfast. The line was a bit long, as was to be expected. But it was a great opportunity to glance around in search of familiar faces. How wonderful it was to catch sight of a dear friend we hadn’t seen in one year, perhaps two. In other cases, someone we had not seen in as many as 15 years. And regarding those faces we had not seen before, wherever we would see them—whether in line, in the hallway, in the dining area, or in the meeting place—one would still feel a bond and a connection with them, and it seemed that they were already a friend although one had not met them before. Why? Because we all were happy members of God’s family and were bound together by our love to God and to one another as well as by our purpose for being there in that place. As the event progressed, it was a blessing to hear brethren who were servants in the Lord’s vineyard and laboring in distant lands, share truths and important messages. And each time we would sing a hymn or hear the choir or orchestra play and sing, I couldn’t help but wonder what it will be like when, by God’s grace, we make it to heaven and sing and play with all the saints and angels. That moment, that beautiful sound, no one can imagine.
Time was fluttering its wings far too quickly for my liking, and before I knew it, Sabbath had arrived. Sabbath is always a wonderful day, but this Sabbath was even more special. What a big Sabbath School there was! Even the youth class was almost overflowing with youth from all over the country and even from other countries. How beautiful it was to see so many youth together in one place to study God’s Word on His holy day. There was no other better place they could be. After an inspiring sermon and a hearty, delicious lunch, the rest of the Sabbath day was enriched with the presentation of other profound messages by different brethren and also by many beautiful and elevating musical items. There were many times when I wished I could stop the time if even for a short while. The days were passing too quickly and I was enjoying it all so much. Throughout the program, ministers and workers of different countries also gave their reports and shared the missionary work that had been done in their respective fields. It was wonderful to see the fruits of their labor and to know of all of the souls that have been led into the fold in those countries by the grace of God. Yet at the same time, one could not help but realize how small the number of converted souls was in comparison with the total inhabitants of each country. It was sobering and saddening to see how much more work is yet to be done for countless souls who are perishing in sin throughout all the countries of the world! May God help us.
It was Sunday morning far too soon. I looked forward to another day to fellowship with all the brethren and sisters and to feast upon the gems of truth as well as on the heavenly music. But on the other hand, I knew it was also the last day of this much-awaited event. It was with these thoughts and mixed feelings that I made my way to the Salem Civic Center that morning. I tried to savor each moment even more than I had the previous days—if that were possible. Breakfast was as delicious and wholesome as usual, and as I looked across all the tables and at all the brethren eating heartily, I wondered if they were as sad as I was that the GC 2015 public meetings would soon be over. Sunday’s program included the delivery of the last messages and more musical items. A few brethren had already begun leaving, but many remained to the very end. And during lunch or breaks, nearly everyone used the opportunity to have last conversations and spend time with friends, both old and new. During the last meeting, I was sitting in one of the side rows of the stadium. I looked down and around at everyone there. I still couldn’t believe the GC was happening and that, in reality, it was already almost over. The theme song “Christ Is All, and in All” was sang for the last time as well as the moving hymn “God Be With You Till We Meet Again,” and the final words were spoken by ministers and brethren. More than once I felt the urge to shed a tear. Everything was over. The orchestra played the Hallelujah Chorus and everyone joined in to sing. As the final notes died away, I wondered when I would see everyone again, or even who I would see again. I knew I would miss everyone, even those who I never actually spoke to or those who I had only smiled at in the hallway or wished a Happy Sabbath in passing. The good-byes soon began, and the crowds slowly began to disperse, instruments were put away, and the atmosphere took on a slight melancholic feeling. As the last words were exchanged and embraces given before parting and going separate ways, I thought of that heavenly reunion that will take place that blessed day. As I stepped out into the night air and directed my steps towards the vehicle that would take us to our lodgings where we would spend our last night in Virginia, I couldn’t help but think how wonderful it will be when we never again have to say good-bye and will be able to praise the Lord together forever throughout all eternity. In reality, to me the 2015 GC meetings were a faint glimpse, a small foretaste of that glorious day when all of God’s children from all parts of the world, from all walks of life, and from all ages of history will be reunited in that eternal reunion where no tears will ever be shed and no farewells ever uttered. May we strive each day to be a part of that glorious reunion as well as prepare others to also be there. And by God’s grace, may we one day be able to say like Paul: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). May God then say to us: “Well done, good and faithful servant. . . . Enter thou into the joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25:23).