
What are some acceptable dating activities?
The best dating or courting activities are those that are multi-dimensional in what they accomplish for the couple. These activities are not only enjoyable but also serve a higher good. Nothing brings more joy than service to others. Participating in a church or family work project or outreach is beneficial in two ways. It’s a blessing to those they serve while allowing the couple to work together, problem-solve, and bask in the joy of mission accomplished. A lot can be learned about someone by working together with them.
Activities that relate to God’s creation are also very satisfying. Doing activities in nature points to the Creator. Hiking a beautiful forest trail, visiting a botanic flower garden, viewing waterfalls, a sunset, the expanse of the heavens from a mountaintop, visiting a national park, exploring a wild animal preserve or zoo—all these glorify our Creator while allowing physical activity and a wonderful forum for the couple to get to know one another better.
Thirdly, activities that are intellectually or spiritually stimulating will prove challenging and are good communication builders. Mind-stimulating communication is rich and rewarding. Discuss good books that you’ve read together. Sharing understanding and thoughts about the content will allow each one to understand how the other thinks and perceives things in life. As one can see, dating activities are diverse and numerous.
In all dating activities, the principle to be carefully followed is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 22:
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.”