
Sun warming up the day, snow melting away, parents budgeting for new spring clothes, and children filling the room with excitement! These are the positive memories I have of the days preceding the Easter season. Then, there are the negative memories of lambs screaming as they were being slain for a festive dinner, people acting crazy after overdrinking and overeating—and ambulance sirens sounding as people were rushed to hospitals.
Growing up in Romania, where the religious festivities turned secular due to the atheistic ideology adopted by the communist regime in power, I wasn’t exposed to a Biblical reasoning as to why Easter was being celebrated. To me, it looked like people had simply invented another reason to celebrate, eat, drink, and be merry. Today, I understand better the commercial implications of this festivity and, more importantly, I can identify Satan’s subtle plan to distort the symbolism of the Passover in the Old Testament and the deep meaning of the Lord’s Supper in the New Testament.
Dear youth, I challenge you to look away from the secular, the regular, and the traditional you may have grown up with and, as you read the articles in this magazine, meditate on what Jesus did for you while on earth, especially in the days leading to His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension.
“It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence in Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 83.
I hope and pray that you'll celebrate the Resurrection of YOUR Lord with daily newness of life, consecration to His service and with a harvest of redeemed souls for Christ.