
– Do you feel free?
– Yes!
– Free to do what?
– Everything.
– Absolutely everything?
– Yes! Whatever I want.
– Are you free to insult someone?
– Well, yeah... although I would probably not do that unless they really deserve it. But I definitely could!
– I see... How about thinking suicidal thoughts?
– That’s a strange question...but, yeah. I’m free to think whatever I choose to.
The questioned person in this dialogue represents the honest conception of freedom that most have nowadays.
However, the cost and consequences of this kind of freedom may often make a life of service as a highly desirable alternative.
Take Lucifer for example. Some may reason that he was seeking freedom of thought when he cordially invited sin-—the cruelest and the most exacting dictator into his mind. But what good did that moment of freedom do for him or for the millions of souls that sin has enslaved ever since?
What good did freedom of speech do to the fallen angels, cursed through listening to his persuasive arguments?
The truth is that there is only One that is good, and through Him everything that is good, including freedom, was created (Luke 18:19; Colossians 1:16). So, when we exercise freedom without God and His grace, it is rapidly stripped by its “good” garments and we are left enslaved to the only other master available—sin.
However, we learn from God’s love letter to us, that “Christ hath made us free” (Galatians 5:1) from the tyrannical rulership of sin, and while we will not enter into the HOW’S and WHY’S during this study, I’d like to explore the WHAT FOR aspect with you.
Please see below a few of the biblical reasons for our creation and redemption:
– to represent God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1:26)
– to have dominion (same verse)
– for good works (Ephesians 2:10)
– for God’s glory (Isaiah 43:7)
– for peace and prosperity (Jeremiah 29:11)
– to lead (Deuteronomy 28:13)
– to be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9)
– to love (John 15:12)
– to be loved (1 John 4:19)
– to have eternal life (John 3:16)
– to have a purpose (Proverbs 16:4)
Quite a few, right? These are the reasons for our creation, redemption and the gift of freedom. And yet these reasons merely scratch the surface of the grandiose, fulfilling and free life with which we were graciously gifted by our loving Creator.
There is a clear distinction between the freedom from God (Lucifer’s example) and that freedom which comes through Him and His grace (Christ’s example).
I would like to leave with you a HOW TO of living and experiencing this graced freedom in a practical way, particularly from a thought and word perspective.
Note that the below-mentioned steps aren’t a complete list or strategy. They are merely the appetizer of an otherwise never-ending royal meal. Should you wish to continue feasting on these steps, the Bible is best suited to further satisfy even your most hungry state.
How to enjoy the Godly freedom of speech and thought:
– think and speak as a representative of God
– think and speak as someone to whom was given dominion unto good works
– think and speak as for God’s glory (who always has your best at heart)
– think and speak peace and prosperity
– think and speak like a leader
– think and speak like you are royal
– think and speak as a priest
– think and speak with love
– think and speak as someone that is loved
– think and speak as someone with an eternal purpose
You may notice that these steps are in line with the earlier-mentioned reasons for our creation. That is simply because any way we try to consider it, there simply isn’t a better path to enjoy life and its graced freedom than by living it according to its original purpose.
If you accept that you are a creation and that you did not create yourself, you’ll find it easy to accept that no one knows better for you than your own Creator. In which case, the best way of putting the pieces together is by following the Creator’s manual—the Bible.
Now, let us dive deeper and consider each of the above-mentioned steps in a rather practical way:
How would an ambassador of the most powerful, highest ranked authority speak and think? . . . To make it more personal, close your eyes and imagine yourself as being this important ambassador. Now let your mind paint a live representation of how your speech and thoughts would be manifested under the circumstances.
It is safe to assume that your tone would be positive and enthusiastic, and you would speak in a wise, polite, royal-like manner, in a positive and enthusiastic tone, and with a well-defined and goal-oriented purpose.
Undoubtedly, kindness and empathy would be sensed in the timbre of your voice and a genuine love naturally felt in its intention.
Then, once you truly love and admire this represented authority who has done ever so much to earn your reverence, imagine the quality of your thoughts towards Him. Or imagine the thoughts you would have towards those that know Him significantly less and to whom you are happily representing Him. . . . or imagine, the intrinsic thoughts, the ones you have about yourself.
How would you speak and think if you were this honored representative of the Royal One?
Opening another door within your imagination, see your Lord being interviewed on the Universe Channel and publicly calling you His son or daughter, whom He loves and for whom He has a great eternal future reserved. He then calls you on stage and, in a rather Adamic throwback, He gives you responsible dominion over His creation.
As you’re still awestruck, while tears are falling down your consciously unworthy cheek, He stretches His royal arm and lifts your chin up. Your eyes see His compassionately approving smile. With His hand, He then pours oil upon your head, thus anointing you as a royal priest.
With His other hand, He then reaches for a sealed box made of the choicest gold. Out of it He takes His testaments. Then, He places them in your trembling hands. He then whispers in your ear that His main purpose for you is to enjoy the freedom of being a leader in His name and to share the secret treasure found in the testaments with anyone still entangled in the bitter slavery of sin.
Now, all this is not merely just an imagination exercise, neither is it a daydream. It is a real, yet grandiose fact.
You were created to represent the most generous, loving, and wise Master. All His intentions towards you are good and more extravagantly rewarding than our thoughts could ever grasp. Nonetheless, you are not forced into accepting all this goodness. That wouldn’t be freedom.
So, should you truly hate love, peace, and eternal life, or strongly dislike being treated as a royal son or daughter, you are free to do so. Should you despise your Father and all that He has generously prepared for you, then you are free to be a slave of your Father’s enemy, under whose banner you would experience all that is contrary to your good.
The choice is always there for the taking. Ultimately, the one you choose to represent, will be perceived through your words and thoughts, for the things that come out of a person’s mouth, come from within his heart (Matthew 5:18). “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
May God help you enjoy the freedom of His grace! Amen!