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Youth Messenger Online Edition


Trusting Jesus
Jennie Cowan

Do you trust in, and obey Him,

     Brother, sister, friend?

‘Twill be better, yes far better

     When shall come the end.


Take, O take your sins to Jesus;

     Lay them at His feet;

Pray that all may be forgiven;

     Seek the mercy-seat.


Plead with Him, O rebel sinner;

     Come to Him today;

He is ready, anxious, willing—

     Will not turn away.


Cast now all your care on Jesus,

     Finding sweet relief;

He will comfort, cheer, and gladden,

     And dispel your grief.


He will place His arms around you,

     Lead you hand in hand;

He will guide you, safely trust Him,

     To the promised land.


Jesus died to save you, sinner;

     Come to Him, today;

Do not grieve His gentle spirit;

     Turn thou not away.


When at last this life is ended,

     With its cares and strife,

Christ will come, and to His people

     Give eternal life.