
Do you trust in, and obey Him,
Brother, sister, friend?
‘Twill be better, yes far better
When shall come the end.
Take, O take your sins to Jesus;
Lay them at His feet;
Pray that all may be forgiven;
Seek the mercy-seat.
Plead with Him, O rebel sinner;
Come to Him today;
He is ready, anxious, willing—
Will not turn away.
Cast now all your care on Jesus,
Finding sweet relief;
He will comfort, cheer, and gladden,
And dispel your grief.
He will place His arms around you,
Lead you hand in hand;
He will guide you, safely trust Him,
To the promised land.
Jesus died to save you, sinner;
Come to Him, today;
Do not grieve His gentle spirit;
Turn thou not away.
When at last this life is ended,
With its cares and strife,
Christ will come, and to His people
Give eternal life.