
We are living in a world where everything is accelerating. Centuries ago, some cultures communicated with cave paintings, smoke signals, symbols, and carrier pigeons. Written language has long existed through letters, newspapers, and books—and eventually the postal service, telegraphs, photographs, and telephones were invented.
Recent methods of communication are even more convenient and efficient by means of television, cell phones, internet, e-mails, social media, and text messaging. Communication today is instantaneous with the help of these inventions. We can send a message and receive a response in seconds. Digital communication also allows us to share photos, videos and stories instantly.
The importance of social media in communication is a constant topic of discussion. Online communication has brought information to people and audiences that previously could not be reached. It has increased awareness among people about what is happening in other parts of the world. Social networking services can provide a powerful, readily accessible toolkit for highlighting issues and topics that affect and interest young people. These can be used for organizing activities, events, or groups to showcase issues and opinions, as well as to make a wider audience aware of them.
However, social media use can also negatively affect the youth by distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to bullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people’s lives and peer pressure. These risks may be related to how much social media young people use. The more time spent on social media can lead to cyberbullying, social anxiety, depression, and exposure to content that is not age-appropriate.
As alluded, social media has both positive and negative effects on Christian youth. We can use it to connect with friends, family, and important networks. And we can use it as a platform to glorify God and spread the gospel around the world. Yet what we allow into our minds through social media and how often we stay there can also have a negative impact on our spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being. So let’s see what Inspiration says about the overall principle involved in this. That way, you don’t just end up with self-determination to do better, but rather have God’s Word as your foundation.
Most people on social media (unless they’re begging for financial help) usually post only the best part of their lives. The latest fashion, the new car, the new house, the promotion at work, relationship status updates, wedding photos, travel adventures, etc. And if they have nothing going for them, they fake it with heavily edited photos and filters. Even though the average user knows this, many people still compare their own offline lives with what they see online. The result? They get discouraged with their own experience or fake it to conform. But the Bible tells us it is unwise to compare yourself with other people. “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise” (2 Corinthians 10:12). When tempted to compare your life with what you see online, take a step back and find your contentment in God.
Perhaps this is the most disturbing negative impact of social media on Christians. A look at comments by Christians under Christian posts is enough to turn your stomach. The amount of vitriol can be alarming. They say things to people online that they would never say to them face to face.
Instead, we are told: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth [includes what you text or comment on social media], but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:29, 30, NKJV).
A dear friend of mine once observed that social media is a cesspool for self. I agree! It takes determination to stay focused on the right goals on social media. If you’re not intentional in maintaining your testimony and identity as a Christian, you will be swept away by the current of immorality, carnality, and self-exaltation that runs rife on social media. As a Christian user of social media, know what you copy or imitate! Not everything is beneficial for your soul. Imitate people or influencers just to the degree that their influence aligns with God’s Word and His principles. The apostle Paul modestly recognized his accountability before God with regard to his influence with the words, “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1).
Social media is a time and productivity killer. You can spend hours there watching useless stuff even when you have important work to do. For the Christian, this translates into prayerlessness, not reading or studying God’s Word, or even not fellowshipping with other believers. To fail to make proper use of your time is sin, because your time is important to God. “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15, 16). “Our time belongs to God. Every moment is His, and we are under the most solemn obligation to improve it to His glory. Of no talent He has given will He require a more strict account than of our time.”—Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 342.
The fear of missing out (FOMO) is what makes most social media apps very addictive. The desire to get the latest updates leads to poor time management, poor decisions about daily schedules, and no time for spiritual disciplines. “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any” (1 Corinthians 6:12). Refuse to be a slave of social media and learn to use it the right way!
Especially for Christian youth, social media provides the means to meet people of the opposite sex, which can easily lead to opportunities for immoral chats (sexting). It has paved the way for exposure to illicit sexual content online and misuse of social sites, which has been linked to risky sexual behavior among students.”But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints. . . . Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 5:3, 6).
Social media is a thief of time as well as the killer of the influence and productivity of a person. Nevertheless, we can use this same social media to the glory of God. Knowing that we have only a short time of probation, we must know how to use social media in the most beneficial way with regard to our talents of speech, influence and time. “The special gifts of the Spirit are not the only talents represented in the parable. It includes all gifts and endowments, whether original or acquired, natural or spiritual. All are to be employed in Christ’s service. In becoming His disciples, we surrender ourselves to Him with all that we are and have. These gifts He returns to us purified and ennobled, to be used for His glory in blessing our fellow men.”—Ibid., p. 328.
Quite often, the talent of speech is misused on social media. People say a lot of things in their videos which are not even profitable or edifying, jokes and jestings are entertained, and frivolous words are spoken. But the question still remains: Is this the right way to use this God-given talent? “The power of speech is a talent that should be diligently cultivated. Of all the gifts we have received from God, none is capable of being a greater blessing than this. With the voice we convince and persuade, with it we offer prayer and praise to God, and with it we tell others of the Redeemer’s love. How important, then, that it be so trained as to be most effective for good.”—Ibid., p. 335.
This means that our speech must be a savor of life unto life. “Not one word is to be spoken unadvisedly. No evil speaking, no frivolous talk, no fretful repining or impure suggestion, will escape the lips of him who is following Christ. The apostle Paul, writing by the Holy Spirit, says, ‘Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth’ (Ephesians 4:29). A corrupt communication does not mean only words that are vile. It means any expression contrary to holy principles and pure and undefiled religion. It includes impure hints and covert insinuations of evil. Unless instantly resisted, these lead to great sin.”—Ibid., p. 337.
We are advised as Christians not to do anything that cripples our influence. Whatever we post on social media casts either a positive or negative influence. “Every soul is surrounded by an atmosphere of its own—an atmosphere, it may be, charged with the life-giving power of faith, courage, and hope, and sweet with the fragrance of love. Or it may be heavy and chill with the gloom of discontent and selfishness, or poisonous with the deadly taint of cherished sin. By the atmosphere surrounding us, every person with whom we come in contact is consciously or unconsciously affected.”—Ibid., p. 339.
This is a responsibility from which we cannot free ourselves. Our words, our acts, our dress, our deportment, and even the expression of the countenance, all have an influence. Upon the impression thus made there hang results for good or evil which no man can measure. Let us heed the timely advice:
“Never should it be forgotten that influence is no less a power for evil. To lose one’s own soul is a terrible thing; but to cause the loss of other souls is still more terrible. That our influence should be a savor of death unto death is a fearful thought; yet this is possible. Many who profess to gather with Christ are scattering from Him. . . . It is only through the grace of God that we can make a right use of this endowment. There is nothing in us of ourselves by which we can influence others for good. If we realize our helplessness and our need of divine power, we shall not trust to ourselves. We know not what results a day, an hour, or a moment may determine, and never should we begin the day without committing our ways to our heavenly Father.”—Ibid., p. 341.
Much time is spent on social media, especially if a person has that fear of missing out. But mostly, the time spent on social media is on things that are not worthwhile or productive. “[Christ’s] youth was not wasted in indolence, neither was it wasted in sensual pleasure, self-indulgence, or frittered away in things of no profit. Not one of His hours from childhood to manhood was misspent, none were misappropriated.” (Our Father Cares, p. 157).
What we must understand is that time is precious and must be spent on things that are of vital importance. “The value of time is beyond computation. Christ regarded every moment as precious, and it is thus that we should regard it. Life is too short to be trifled away. We have but a few days of probation in which to prepare for eternity. We have no time to waste, no time to devote to selfish pleasure, no time for the indulgence of sin. It is now that we are to form characters for the future, immortal life. It is now that we are to prepare for the searching judgment.”—Ibid.
My fellow youth, we have but a short time of probation—and our time, speech and influence should be utilized to the glory of God. Much time has been wasted. We must remember that “we are admonished to redeem the time. But time squandered can never be recovered. We cannot call back even one moment. The only way in which we can redeem our time is by making the most of that which remains, by being coworkers with God in His great plan of redemption.”—Ibid., p. 342.
In our use of social media, let us ensure that it is all to the glory of God—that whatever we post may be a savor of life unto life and not bring attention and admiration to ourselves. Whenever man accomplishes anything, whether in spiritual or in temporal lines, he should bear in mind that he does it through cooperation with his Maker. There is a great need for us to realize our dependence on God. “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). Amen!