
A Call to the Youth
O, youth in life’s fair morning!
Jesus is calling thee.
Leave every path of folly,
From all thy sin now flee;
Be cheerful, kind, and tender,
Loving and hopeful, too;
Unentered fields are waiting
For work that you may do.
What though earth’s passing pleasures
Tempt you to go astray
Far from the fold of Jesus,
Far from the narrow way?
List to the gentle whisper
Of thy dear Saviour’s voice;
With longing hearts the angels
Are waiting for thy choice.
Think of the glorious mansion
That waits in heaven for you—
Think! and then choose the noble,
Beautiful, pure, and true.
Willing to work for Jesus,
Willing the cross to bear,
Then with the faithful and honored
A shining crown you’ll wear.