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Eli Tenorio
December 30, 2021
A message from the General Conference President, Brother Eli Tenorio, as we come to the end of 2021 and welcome 2022.

My dear Reform Movement church family,  

May this letter find each one of you under God’s loving care. 


Looking back to 2021 

As we approach both the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, we are given the opportunity to look back and thank God for material and spiritual blessings received during this past year, for obstacles overcome, for daily sustaining grace, for life in this world and for the assurance of eternal life provided for us on Calvary.


Etienne Lombard
December 19, 2021
This summer our church in Eastern Canada faced a major trial, yet the fall brought much rejoicing.

Toronto, Canada—Our church in Eastern Canada will remember the summer of 2021 as a summer that was different from any other. In the beginning, everything looked promising: The COVID-19 measures became somewhat relaxed, allowing for the planning of several youth activities. In July, the youth went on a camping trip to the scenic Algonquin Provincial Park in Northern Ontario.

Etienne Lombard
December 16, 2021
On October 2, 2021, the brethren from our churches in Montreal and Ottawa united to celebrate the baptism of two souls.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada—On October 2, 2021, the brethren from our churches in Montreal and Ottawa united to celebrate the baptism of two souls.


Sister Beraca and Sister Claudine were baptized and fellowshipped into the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement church. Their respective families and friends gathered with the church members in this day of rejoicing.


The baptism was performed by Brother Etienne Lombard, assisted by Brother George Schiopu.


Franck Vitorassi
December 14, 2021
From December 8-10, 2021, the brethren in the Chilean Union held their Reorganization Session in Linares, in the Maule Region. 

Linares, Chile—From December 8-10, 2021, the brethren in the Chilean Union held their Reorganization Session in Linares, in the Maule Region. The theme of the session was "Under God's Care". 


Raquel Terceros
December 1, 2021
The inauguration of the new Bolivian Union Headquarters, an ordination, and a missionary seminar were held in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

Cochabamba, Bolivia—On the first weekend of November, the brethren in Bolivia celebrated the inauguration of the Bolivian Union Headquarters in Cochabamba. It was a weekend of praise and blessings.

