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Larissa Tenorio Gessner
January 12, 2018
“Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man,” (Luke 2:52). What does it mean to be in favor with God and man? Is that possible for you and me to accomplish?

Luke 2 offers a glimpse into Jesus' childhood and youth. It says, “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man,” (Luke 2:52). What does it mean to be in favor with God and man? Is that possible for us to accomplish?



Ophelia Gherman, M.D.
January 9, 2018
Do you have any health-related New Year's Resolutions this year? Here are 5 areas to work on and how you can implement these changes today.

As we enter a new year, we are presented with a fresh start and new chapter in our life. We should reflect on how we wish the new chapter of our life will read and reanalyze our commitments to God, our family, our community, and to ourselves. Most of us aspire for a purer and more profound experience, but many in our culture have given up on making New Year’s Resolutions for fear of feeling like a failure. Regardless of your past years' experiences, I believe it’s God’s will that we continue renewing and elevating our goals and aspirations each new year.

Daniel Guzmán Hurtado
January 7, 2018
On December 19-25, 2017, the brethren in Venezuela gathered for a spiritual conference that attracted members from across the country.

EL JUNCO, VENEZUELA—On December 19-25, 2017, the brethren in Venezuela gathered for a spiritual conference that attracted members from across the country. The conference was organized by the Venezuelan Union and was held in Campamento Monte de Sion (Camp Mt. Zion), a church property located in El Junco, Yaracuy, Venezuela. The guest speaker for the event was Brother Daniel Guzmán Hurtado (the GC Regional Secretary for Central America). The general theme of the meetings was "Onward and No Excuses".

Anbudoss Devapiriyam
December 28, 2017
United States
A camp meeting was held at the church of Leominster in Massachusetts last month.

LEOMINSTER, MASSACHUSETTS—On November 24 to November 26, 2017, a camp meeting was held at the church of Leominster in Massachusetts, United States. The camp meeting lectures focused on the theme "Preparation for the Final Crisis". The meetings began on Friday evening with the topic “God’s Love for His People” by guest speaker Brother Adrian Finaru.


On Sabbath morning, a special message was given by Brother Jose Tineo. The message was entitled “Shaking of the Powers of Heaven”. The divine service followed with the topic “Preparation for the End” by Brother Adrian Finaru.

Larissa Tenorio Gessner
December 27, 2017
The third article in a series of lessons from the life of Jesus. The third lesson gleaned from the story of His birth: trust in God.

Mary and Joseph are two figures in history whose brief mentions in the Bible deserve our study and admiration. Perhaps because some have gone from respect to veneration of Jesus’ earthly parents, we erroneously shy away from discussing their noteworthy faith. While human through and through, the faith they demonstrate at the beginning of their story in the Bible is worthy of imitation. There are three incidents in which we can observe their faith in action.


