July-September, 2016
When He Cometh
By Belle Rose Ballard
Can it be those eyes, so often
Filled with sad repentant tears,Shall behold Him in His glory,
When the Judge of earth appears?Shall they view the wondrous brightness
Shining from that heavenly face?Shall they see the old earth wither,
Having no more time or place?Every eye shall see Him coming;
Every ear shall hear the soundOf the awful trumpet thunder;
Earth and heaven shall both resound!Dread and solemn will the thunder
Of that last loud trumpet be!Fierce the lightning of His anger!
Where, O Christ, can sinners flee?Rocks and mountains, shelter! Shelter!
Hide transgressors in that hour!Rocks and hillls are unavailing
In the presence of His power.Oh, I long for Thy whole armor,
Helmet, shining sword, and shield,And the faith which never wavers
On the fiercest battlefield.Mighty hosts of doubt and darkness
Ever meet me on my way.Oh, for light among the shadows!
Oh, to dwell in perfect day!All too soon may come the summons;
Mortal, time for thee must cease!Oh, to feel that to my spirit
That last summons shall bring peace!