July-September, 2016

In front of a window where I worked last summer was a butternut tree. A hummingbird built her nest on a limb that grew near the window, and we had an opportunity to watch her closely, as we could look right into the nest from the window. One day there was a very heavy shower coming up, and we thought we would see if she covered her young during the storm; but when the first drops fell, she came and took in her bill one of two or three large leaves growing close to the nest, and laid it over so it completely covered the nest; then she flew away. On looking at the leaf we found a hole in it, and in the side of the nest was a small stick that the leaf was fastened to or hooked on. After the storm was over, the old bird came back and unhooked the leaf, and the nest was perfectly dry.
H.A. in American Sportsman, YI Vol. 32, No. 39.