23rd General Conference Session Special Report

The Eurasian Region encompasses a vast territory where people of different nationalities live, speaking different languages and professing different religions.
This Region is composed of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Turkey, Israel, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia.
The headquarters of the Ukrainian Union are in Chernivtsi, where we hold seminars, spiritual meetings, youth congresses, Council meetings, missionary school sessions and medical missionary programs.
The Transcarpathian Field is the largest in the number of members and young people that actively participate in different missionary projects. They print newspapers and brochures and spread them in different towns and villages as well as conducting musical concerts in various public places. Camp meetings are organized for the young people and children. They have also begun the construction of a health center and we hope that soon it will be completed and dedicated to the Lord. The brethren in the Field have registered a charity that actively helps orphanages and hospitals and regularly serves charitable lunches for the needy.
The Chernivtsi Field is also well organized and actively working. The brethren give out newspapers, pamphlets, sell books and have traveling libraries in different places. Young people also actively participate in various missionary projects.
The brethren conduct youth and children’s camp meetings regularly. Young people also participate in musical concerts and every Sabbath they are broadcasting the Sabbath School, sermons and the youth meetings from the headquarters. In cooperation with the medical department they often organize cooking courses and cleansing programs based on natural treatment with the help of juices.
The Black Sea Field also has well-organized missionary work. They have regular traveling libraries; the workers, lay members and young people spread newspapers, tracts and books. They also conduct Field and regional youth meetings.
Religious freedom is limited in the territory of the Russian Union, but the Lord still works in behalf of His people who are dedicated to His service. For example, in Uzbekistan where Islam is the national religion, when the new country’s president was elected, there were some changes made regarding religious freedom. By order of the president, even the Bible was translated into the Uzbek language and printed for mass circulation. Developments like this have been appreciated by our people.
Mongolia is also a part of the Eurasian Region and the brethren from Russia will carry forward the work there, as Russian citizens can freely travel to Mongolia.
The brethren of the Moldova Union hold spiritual meetings, seminars, and youth congresses with participation of the General Conference brethren. They also sell and give out health books, cookbooks, and spiritual books and tracts—as well as having a regular missionary school program.
In cooperation with the Union brethren, the Youth Department holds a youth congress in August every year and many young people from other countries attend. They invite the brethren from the General Conference to participate in them. These meetings are very blessed opportunities for the young people, and at the end of these meetings they usually hold a baptism and also calls for special consecration and preparation of future candidates for baptism are made. The Media Department is actively participating in the missionary work through broadcasting the youth congresses and spiritual meetings. Currently they record a detailed analysis of the Sabbath Bible Lessons in the Russian and Romanian languages for posting on YouTube.
In Turkey there is a small group of our members that hold meetings every Sabbath, but unfortunately, in Israel there is no special place to hold meetings.
Poland is a Catholic country, but for the time being there is tolerance to the Protestant churches in this country. The headquarters of the Field are in Katowice where there is a wonderful church. Every Sabbath they worship the Lord in this church and on the last Sabbath of the month they have a missionary program. The brethren then invite their friends and acquaintances. The members actively participate in the program, singing songs and playing different musical instruments. As far as possible, they offer the people books, tracts, and Sabbath Bible Lessons.
Meetings are held in three places in the Czech Republic. The largest local church is in Liberec, where there are many young people and children. Meanwhile they gather in a rented facility, but we hope that the construction of a church will soon be completed and the new building will become the place of worship to the Lord and the center of active missionary work.
The second place of worship is in Prague. There the brethren, youth and interested people also gather in a rented facility.
The third place of worship is in the eastern part of the country near the border with Slovakia.
In April 2017, 45 young brothers and sisters from Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, and Kazakhstan were registered as students in our missionary school in Ukraine. During these two years, the students have studied subjects such as:
Skill in preaching the truth to people (from the book Gospel Workers); God’s amazing grace; interpretation of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation; history of the church in different periods of time; history of the Adventist church; Bible history; doctrines of the church; history of the Reform Movement; organization and order of the church; christian ethics; medical missionary work; music in the services.
We believe and hope that after graduation from the missionary school many young brothers and sisters will actively help in different departments. Some students are already taking part in the service of the Lord.
May the Lord bless the efforts of all!