23rd General Conference Session Special Report

It is a sweet and blessed privilege to have the chance of meeting brethren from all over the world—wonderful people that share the same hope of Christ’s second coming to take us home! We are here on this earth to observe, learn, grow, love, and then to go home. What a blessed hope!
Right after the delegation we all had the amazing opportunity to participate in the biggest spiritual gathering that our church has had in the last four years. Moments of deep spiritual messages combined with prayers and very good quality sacred music ascended towards the throne of grace, with adoration and hope. How wonderful it is to praise God together! “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1.
The place of the spiritual gatherings was called “Estancia Arvore da Vida” which means “The Tree of Life Hall.” May God bless each one of us with the most outstanding reward to be with Him forever around the Tree of Life on the New Earth!
—Septimiu D. Muresan
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Being involved in covering the 23rd General Conference Spiritual Meetings and the activities leading up to that weekend was a rewarding learning opportunity. One of the highlights of my experience as web editor and content creator was the people with whom I worked—people with whom I have been working for years from a distance but now was able to work with side by side. Then there were others I only met that weekend and they were ready to volunteer their talents. I was impressed by the way young people from various professional backgrounds (graphic designers, videographers, digital content creators, photographers, etc.) were so willing to make time to contribute to the event. Some contributed weeks of their time and talents—sacrificing paid jobs and volunteering their help in the meetings and the coverage of the event proceedings in the best quality possible. While the media team was small and had their limitations, everyone that participated did so with all their heart. I pray the Lord will continue to bless everyone who participated in every capacity, including the unseen volunteers who took care of small details that made a big difference.
—Larissa Tenorio Gessner
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Being at the General Conference in 2019 was like living in a village of Seventh-day Adventists for a weekend. The streets swarmed with people walking to and from dinner. The sound of laughter and affection diffused in the air as friends found each other. Then it was time for the next meeting and floods of people migrated into the worship hall. I felt like one pin in the middle of thousands as I sat in the pew. The choir assembled on stage. When they opened their mouths, a wave of sound washed over the congregation. I am sure I was not the only one that got shivers. It’s like we were all literaly experiencing the theme, “That They May Be One.” As I soaked in the joy, I was overcome with nostalgia of heaven.
—Gennifer Tudoroiu
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This was the second time in my life to be able to take part in the Spiritual Meetings of the General Conference. I was very pleased to be able to participate in the international orchestra. As I was sitting on the stage, it was a special experience to see the whole congregation as they gathered together from all over the world. The meetings were very uplifting in every respect and I am thankful to God that we have such a worldwide community and that I got to attend this event on this occasion. A dream came true! We had many touching moments—for example, when the whole church was singing and praising the Lord. The farewell was very sad, because this company will not necessarily meet again here, but we have the hope that in the New Earth many more of us will praise the Lord and will be together forever. May the Lord be with us all, Amen!
—Oliver Toth
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What makes looking out on a congregation of over 5,000 people special? Is it the sheer quantity of individuals? Is it getting to see old friends or make new acquaintances? Or is it the palpable energy of such a gathering? Sure, it may be all those things. But more importantly, it is that desire to be one—one in hope, one in spirit, and one in Christ’s love. Imagine what Heaven will be like—not a few thousand, but 144,000 standing on the sea of glass. Playing my instrument in harmony with over one hundred other excellent musicians from all around the world was certainly a highlight of the event. How much more special will it be when we (the 144,000) sing the song of Moses and the Lamb to an audience of all the redeemed saints from throughout the ages. So for me, each General Conference I attend is just another reminder that whatever we go through in this life, it’ll all be worth it to spend not just four days, but eternity with millions of perfect people in the only place that’s truly perfect. What a day of rejoicing that will be!
—Bethany L. Montrose
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The 23rd General Conference Session was a blessing to attend for several reasons. We all had wonderful opportunity to hear powerful messages on how “we can be one,” one in Christ and one with Christ. We learned that we must stay connected to Jesus our Saviour, 24/7.
We had a wonderful opportunity to meet new people, strengthen friendships, and develop new ones. We also had the ability to try delicious Brazilian foods including feijoada, pastel, and açai. Finally, the 23rd General Conference was truly special because it was in Brazil. The music and passion by the Brazilian choir and congregation during hymns was amazing and inspirational to see and be a part of. Music is so touching, and people of Brazil truly put all their heart and soul into music. Psalm 95:1 says, “O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.” Those who attended this year’s General Conference found that this verse came true. It was a great blessing to sing unto the Lord our God and praise Him for all His wonderful kindness and grace towards us.
May God help you to make it to the next General Conference, and to be part in the praises to our King. But most importantly, may God help us to be part of heaven’s first, international, interstellar, multi-universal conference in which we can join praises to our King eternal! Will you be there? Will you be on that sea of glass (Revelation 15:2)?
—Paul Michael Balbach