23rd General Conference Session Special Report

The Lord’s work is going forward in the North Union of Brazil, with almost 6,000 church members. Public conferences with spiritual messages, training, and evangelism are accompanied by humanitarian missions, health projects, lay evangelistic activities, public conferences, literature distribution campaigns, and the Online Bible Course—“Connected with God”—with courses on various subjects.
The North Union operates a primary school and a branch school in the city of São Domingos do Araguaia, in the city of Brasília, as well as a vegetarian restaurant providing a healthy option for the community.
The South Union is our second largest Union in the world, headquartered at the rural Chácara Ebenézer site in Itú, S. Paulo state.
The work is active here; in 2017, edifying lectures with historical and theological content were presented to hundreds of brethren and interested persons to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Reformation by Martin Luther. Several humanitarian missions have been carried out in partnership with the General Conference Welfare Department to serve the population with material for emotional, physical and spiritual needs.
In the territory of the South Brazilian Union, there is a health clinic located in Almirante Tamandaré, 8.75 miles from Curitiba, Paraná state (Clinica Naturista Oásis Paranaense), that offers the Brazilian public with methodically applied water, clay, plants, etc., as alternative medicine for alleviating and preventing diseases.
Focusing on the younger generation of the church, the South Union, in partnership with the North Union, has prepared a college program for the youth entitled Enar. This program has been systematically carried out in recent years to encourage the young to study the grand themes of the Bible.
In Almirante Tamandaré, the two Unions operate a theological seminary which prepares missionaries and leaders for the work of the Lord. In the last four years, two sets of students completed their studies, graduating in the cities of Curitiba, and Itú. Many of the trainees have been introduced as missionaries in the various Fields and Missions of the Unions.
The Media Studio in Itú provides topics on various subjects for evangelization and reaching out to souls. Currently, programs are carried out for young audiences—for couples, families, and also productions specifically designed for children. Some prophetic series and biblical themes are part of the weekly program of this studio. In partnership with the Spanish-speaking South American Unions, the studio produced the series, “Principles of Faith” on DVD in Spanish.
The Brazilian Unions maintain a publishing house, A Verdade Presente (“The Present Truth”) located in the city of Itaquaquecetuba, S. Paulo state, in order to meet the needs of the evangelistic and denominational publications of the church. In the last four years, this entity has launched new books and brochures for missionary work.
In Perú, two major seminars were held for workers, pastors, and church officials, with several public conferences included.
In 2016 a youth congress was held in the city of Cañete. Over 2,000 attended, with good interaction between the speakers and the congregation. The event was crowned by a wonderful baptism of dozens of souls.
The largest event of the Peruvian Union in this quadrennium was the national congress held in February 2018 in the city of Trujillo in the north. About 3,000 attendees came; the general theme was “Maranatha, the Lord Is Coming!” Precious themes of prophetic and eschatological content left positive impressions in the minds of the people.
This Union has many educational units, including a boarding school and publishing house.
In Bolivia, we have an academic school and missionary school. Public conferences, including youth congresses, have recently been held where several persons have been baptized and new souls are taking their stand on the Lord’s side.
In Ecuador, the missionary school has recently been reactivated and both doctrinal and public conferences have been held.
Chile hosted seminars on Sabbath school, management, and leadership, as well as public conferences with themes about the Sanctuary and Justification by Faith. The Union held an international youth congress in the town of Lago Ranco with the theme: “Each One in Search of One More.” People of all ages and backgrounds participated, including many from foreign countries.
The Southern South American Union headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, also hosted public conferences and a national congress with themes on last-day events, culminating in a joyful baptismal feast. The missionary school is going forward and health campaigns are being promoted to awaken new interests.
In Paraguay, humanitarian and evangelistic projects as well as health campaigns are held, thus opening doors for Bible studies and missionary visits.
“The mission of Christ was to heal the sick, encourage the hopeless, bind up the brokenhearted. This work of restoration is to be carried on among the needy suffering ones of humanity.
“God calls not only for your benevolence but for your cheerful countenance, your hopeful words, the grasp of your hand. Relieve some of God’s afflicted ones. Some are sick, and hope has departed. Bring back the sunlight to them. There are souls who have lost their courage; speak to them, pray for them. There are those who need the bread of life. Read to them from the Word of God. There is a soul sickness no balm can reach, no medicine heal. Pray for these, and bring them to Jesus Christ.”1
Guyana has seen baptisms and a Bible school raised up to train lay missionaries. The SDA Reform Movement is also registered as a Mission in French Guiana, where many souls are asking for regular visits and studies from God’s word.
In 2017, our first church was inaugurated in Suriname, followed by a baptism.
May the Lord continue to guide His work in this populous Region!