23rd General Conference Session Special Report

Well over half the population of planet Earth lives in Asia, so the work of reaching the teeming multitudes here with the final message is a truly monumental task.
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It is an Islamic nation; hence, the work cannot be carried out as much as it should. Terrorism, insurgency, anti-national groups, and religious extremism existing in this country prevent the work which would otherwise be speedy.
It took long before we could visit the interested groups, teach them the precious truth for the present, and bring them to the fold of Christ. Despite the continual threats from terrorism and opposition, the work of reformation is expanding. The brethren here relentlessly work hard in order to reach out for souls that are perishing in the world and who are athirst of the truth. We have a group of about 10 members. Much more work is to be done in this country with the newly found groups.
Bhutan is a Buddhist kingdom. Brethren here are striving hard to spread the truth; it cannot be done openly.
The work in India is quite progressive in spite of many difficulties. New members are frequently being added to the fold. Much more work is to be done with decided efforts. India has over 400 million souls unreached who have never heard of Christ and Christianity. It is a country with about 1.3 million people, meaning that nearly one-third of the population is yet to know of Christ and of His matchless love. Most of our members are in Manipur—and although there are many challenges, the work has grown remarkably in the state of Andhra Pradesh and elsewhere. Interest is growing in the states of Gujarat, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Punjab, and West Bengal.
The propagation of the gospel of Christ is in full swing in the northeastern region of India, where there are several small states and union territories. As this region is quite mountainous, movement between places is hard. However, the work has taken a new dimension, more places have been reached, and the glad tidings are being shared among the people. Many have shown interest in studying the truth. There will be a sure reaping in the days to come.
During the past quadrennium, the Lord’s work already established in Tamil Nadu saw expansion to several new places: Vilupuram, Cuddalore, Thoothukudi, Nilgiris, Kanyakumari, and Mayiladuthurai.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands consist of 572 islands. This is a territory of India, famous for exotic wildlife, coral reefs, and remote tribal groups—even the North Sentinelese which are the remotest group on the earth. We have a group of 11 members and they are constantly working to find new souls.
In Bahrain we have two members, and the brother amidst his busy schedule and work-related limitations, volunteers doing God’s work. It will have a sure result. We trust there will be more souls in this Islamic kingdom.
Myanmar is a Buddhist country with a great majority of Muslims in the north. The country has few road connections. Moreover, since the terrain is quite mountainous, it makes the movement from one place to another very difficult. Enormous efforts are being undertaken to expand the work in this country. There have been frequent visits made to encourage the brethren to do more evangelism.
Nepal, a country nestled at the bosom of the Himalayas, is a Hindu/Buddhist country. Our work is growing and more interested groups have shown their desire to join the Movement. Studies are being given in order that the people may be ready for baptism and acceptance into the church.
Oman is an Islamic kingdom in which we have had a small beginning that is expanding.
Pakistan, an Islamic nation known as a “safe haven for terrorism,” is against all propagation of other religions, including Christianity. However, the Lord in His goodness and wisdom had His people in this country well-established long before. The brethren here face opposition, suppression, and even persecution every time they go out to preach the gospel of Christ. We need to remember them in our prayers.
Qatar tops the list of the richest countries in the world in terms of GDP and per capita income ratio, and this Islamic kingdom has more immigrants than nationals. There are souls that are interested in the message of Reformation. These souls are yet to be visited and have the precious truth shared with them.
The large Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia is totally against the penetration of other religions. Therefore any Christian activity has to be done secretly.
“Mohammedanism has its converts in many lands, and its advocates deny the divinity of Christ. Shall this faith be propagated, and the advocates of truth fail to manifest intense zeal to overthrow the error . . . ? O how we need believers who will now present Christ in life and character, who will hold him up before the world.”1
The island nation of Sri Lanka was stricken by civil war for decades. Now it seems like peace has been wrought, yet the fire of animosity and enmity among ethnic groups has not been fully quenched. We have two Missions here that face a challenge in seeking to share the truth under such circumstances.
Thailand has also been entered and in the United Arab Emirates we have 9 members.
In closing, let us lift up our voices in thanksgiving and praises for all that the Lord has wrought both in Asia and other regions around the world.